Hello everybody, welcome to my new blog! I hope your first
stay here is pleasurable.
While you’re here, let me shed my proposal: this blog will
oversee any projects that I’m making or supervising (provided I’m allowed to
talk about them, of course) and give you a virtual rundown of their progress. This time around, you’ll be here to witness
the making of my final film! I’ll be posting sketches, storyboards, animation
tests, you name it! I’ll also post some other art and bits and bobs from my
archives, just to show how far I’ve come and how further I still have to go.
I’d like to say a big thank you to all my Twitter followers
for staying loyal and putting up with some of my incessant rambling, my family and
friends who have all supported me to this stage and my fellow tutors who have
helped me get this far in the first place.
Why is it called "Inside Absurdity"? In a way, ideas start off as absurd, with no rhyme or reason, until you begin to question the reasons behind it. Well, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. The thing about absurdity is, not only is it imaginative, but it can also be a spontaneous phenomenon. This name was a rare flash in the pan that can only come in brief, random spells.
And yes, most of that paragraph was a ramble. A winner is you for managing to read through it...
And yes, most of that paragraph was a ramble. A winner is you for managing to read through it...
In the meantime, here’s a greeting from my mascot! If you’re a Twitter follower, you may have noticed her on my page. She is a creature that I have made up, perhaps a few crosses between a Brontosaurus, a rabbit and a beaver, but who knows? I have called her Pomchi for the time being; but what do you think? Are there any more attractive names out there that would suit her better? Please feel free to comment.
Again, I hope you enjoy the blog!
Again, I hope you enjoy the blog!
Pomchi is suitable for now methinks. Or Stamaluff. Stick with your chosen name.